Monday, August 22, 2011

help! in need of new adhesives...

I've been running into this problem recently that people keep telling me that cards are arriving at their houses that have fallen apart.

I first heard from my dad's cousin in California that a card that she got was in pieces. So I figured that cards travelling across the country need to be glued extra well. So I went out and I bought an "embellsihments gluestick" and I've been using that on the cards that I've been sending across the country. The cost of one of these gluesticks is approximately $2, where as in back to school season, Elmer's gluesticks are only 20 cents.

So, that problem is solved until further notice.

Now, I got a phonecall from my mother the other day who told me that the thank you card that I sent to my grandfather (Philadelphia to Connecticut) fell apart and that she needed to glue it back together for him. So maybe it's an issue with the fact that it's summer? Either way, if I have to change from Elmers glue to Embellishment glue - my costs are going to sky rocket quickly.

Then, TODAY - I got a Facebook message from Aubrey (who lives in California) saying that what I sent her was not in the envelope when it got to her and the post office lost its contents. This now means that the envelopes that I have aren't sticky enough to make their way across the country. At least I only put a pack of tissues in that envelope. Granted - I think I opened and closed her envelope multiple times before sending it, but that makes me nervous. What if there had been a check in there?

Does anybody have any thoughts that are practical, economical and easy?


  1. Permanent double sided tape... Even better than glue because it doesn't dry out. There was also some kind of roll-on adhesive we used on the wedding invitations... I'll have to find it to see what it is called.

  2. Definitely the double sided tape, sometimes referred to as "double sided glue tape". I have cards that I made 6 years ago that are still intact.
